Wednesday, September 16, 2009

GDGT - oh wow, mega time sink - awesome, and it will take hours from your life. It was 6:15 PM when I logged in, and now just after logging out, it's 8:45 PM. Saw many cool gadgets, found some tips and tricks for calibrating (modifying some settings) on the LCD TV. Looks a bit better. Followed Jason Calicanis, Veronica Belmon and Leo Laporte, they have a stash of gadgets, but nothing like Veronica's list... it's like her own private Best Buy.


  1. Hah! We love to hear what people think of gdgt. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Hope you continue to use the site!

    Dave Schumaker
    gdgt community manager
    twitter: @daveschumaker

    Questions, comments, or suggestions?

  2. Thanks for posting on my "blog" hehe.
    Yeah, GDGT is absolutely an awesome site, and not only for gadgets but many other electronic items as well. Cool to be able to publish reviews, and i've done a few so far. Need to search my house for gadgets and update my "have" list.

